Time for an Update

Long time no post everyone! I’ve been following along on everyone’s updates and really enjoyed hearing from people, so I figured I’d put in my own update since I haven’t blogged in about a year I think.

It’s been a bit busy – I recently started my IT master’s degree and it’s been a bit difficult to get back into the swing of doing homework again, but it’s getting easier to try getting it done before my Sunday due dates so I can still have time to relax, take care of the house, etc and try to hang out with Amber. Weather has been its usual hurricane-winds-in-March self, just warmer. It has continued into April, which it doesn’t usually, but thankfully they aren’t the gale-force winds of March. I just can’t believe it’s already the middle of April.

I got pretty sick for nearly an entire week too – just a flu but one that still took me down for longer than I thought it would. I will say it had the added bonus of allowing me and my sister time to watch shows and chat together while Kaylee was at school, so it certainly wasn’t all bad being stuck at home sick.

My mom miraculously continues to do well. She’s had a month off of chemo, but her numbers haven’t gone up much and there’s nothing on her PET scans, which is amazing. We’re all very very glad that she’s doing so well, and she remains in very high spirits and is going strong. They’re looking at some other options, but so far so good.

Ready for a VGK game!

It’s been alternatively cool, windy, and warm, so the horses are shedding in earnest, and certainly get the zoomies on the cooler days. Amber has had a few good runs around the arena when she’s been turned out after it’s been colder and raining. She was looking a little uncomfortable too, so I ended up having the the vet by to inject her right knee since as her oldest injury it’s getting more painful as the years go on. That seemed to have her feeling pretty darn good, and it’s been great to see her having so much fun. Of course, any desire to ride after was crushed with me getting sick, but I digress. I can ride when it’s less windy outside and my sinuses aren’t threatening to explode my head with their stuffiness, and I’m not hacking up a lung. I did get to ride her the other day, and she was actually very happy and excited about it. Until the clock went past 6:05 and it was officially past dinner time. Then she was not-so-happy. A good girl, but wanting her dinner, which I don’t blame her.

Oscar is bestest buddy as always and is doing well too! He’s had a few ups and downs with his neck – nothing we thankfully couldn’t handle easily though. Some meds and limited movements for a few days set him right as rain again, and he was back to his happy, Kraken self after a while. He stuck to me like glue when I was sick to make sure I was alright, and it’s always easier to feel better with his snuggles. And he’s happy to eat, sleep, and bark at me when I work out or don’t give him enough snuggles. I swear. Just the other day, he barked and barked and barked at me, then put his paws on my knees for uppies (he very rarely does that, mostly he just wants to lay near me) cause he wanted me to hold him for a little bit. Be still my heart.

With my birthday early April I decided to splurge on a few things. I’ve grown up with Grand Champion model horse toys (basically, the cheaper version of Breyer), and I’ve recently found them on eBay. I am NOT,  and I tell  you I am NOT, happy that they are referred to as Vintage 90s Toys. It makes me feel very very old and also laugh my head off lol. To be honest, I’m not much of a collector when it comes to these things, but Lindsay had her own collection of these as well that she kept nicely packed in boxes. She would let me play with her collection every once in a while – when I was older of course because let’s be honest I broke a lot of my poor horse’s legs when I was little haha. But since that was something Lindsay would occasionally indulge in doing with me even when she was likely too old to really want to play model horses with her baby sister, Heidi and I agreed pretty quickly that it was something of hers that I should keep. I always dreamt of getting old enough to have my own money so I could make our sets “complete” by getting all the families, so when I found some of the ones I’d always wanted since I was little, I decided why not?? I’m old enough now, I have money, let’s indulge my inner child. I won’t be collecting too many, but with Lindsay’s birthday two weeks before mine I was feeling nostalgic. I really don’t know what I’m going to do with them – they’ll get put in a box with my other stuff most likely lol. One of these days I’ll manage to go through my sister’s box, but that day isn’t anytime soon, which is okay. I’ll likely grab a few more in a few months, but I think I’m good for right now haha.

One of the “families” that I’d wanted to get as a kid lol

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing alright, and I look forward to reading more of your posts!

2 Comments on “Time for an Update

  1. so happy to see an update from you. I always think of you guys and hope all is going okay!! I love that family of horses so cute!! And of course the dachsie :) Stay healthy!

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